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Construction matters for 55 inch splicing screen

Author:admin / Publication time:2022-11-09

firstUnderstanding the performance of the device itself, if encountering difficulties in detecting or changing interference sources, it is appropriate to adopt methods to strengthen the camera shielding ability, while grounding cable ducts to prevent mixing and matching between different lines, in order to reduce the impact. When installing a LCD splicing screen, attention should be paid to the selection of the equipment ground: The LCD splicing screen should be selected with a flat equipment ground, because the entire system of LCD splicing screens is relatively large in size and weight. The selected ground also requires a certain capacity to bear weight, and if the ground is made of tiles, it may not be able to bear its weight. Another point is that the ground of the equipment should be able to prevent static electricity. Wiring precautions: When splicing the LCD screen of the device, pay attention to distinguishing between the power cord and the power cord when wiring. The device should be placed in different places to avoid interference. Other devices should calculate the length and specifications of each required line based on the screen size and device location of the entire project.

Single screen, multi screen, and multi window playback can be switched freely, supporting 7 * 24 hours of long-term operation to meet the needs of different users, and is highly welcomed. The 55 inch LCD splicing screen is the preferred style among customers in the splicing screen series. According to incomplete statistics, the sales of 55 inch LCD splicing screens in the market account for almost one-third, and it must be said that they have their own uniqueness. Among the 55 inch LCD splicing screen models, there are 3. 5mm, 1.7mm, 1.8mm, 0.88mm seams, seamless seams, etc. The application environment is different, and the selection of splicing screen seams is also very exquisite; Taking the monitoring center as an example, a 3.5mm seam screen is generally sufficient for monitoring centers. The functional requirements of the monitoring center are more for multi screen ultra clear display, and the demand for seams is lower for monitoring different areas. If it is a conference hall, financial media center, data course visualization platform, etc., the author suggests starting with a 1.7mm seam.

The entire 55 foot patch panel has become the mainstream today and has become a large-scale trend. Some new production lines no longer offer 46 foot LCDs. Therefore, the patch panel for 46 foot LCD wiring screens has basically been put on the market, all of which are Samsung panels. Large LCD splicing screens are fragile during transportation. How should we prevent large-scale development? LCD screens, such as those in shopping centers, company meeting rooms, and monitoring projects, can now be used everywhere in daily life. But how much do you know about the product? In fact, LCD screens are very fragile on large screens, and sometimes the screen may break during installation, which will occur within a few years of installing Ruiping. Some customers may accidentally damage and scratch the screen, so please be careful when driving the installation program during the project installation process and pay more attention to the transportation process. What should I do before transportation? Because LCD products are made from liquids.

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